Computer Vison
- Real-time Deep-learning based algorithms research, design and implementation
- Neural network optimization and runtime optimization
- Custom state-of-the-art object detectors, classifiers, image segmentation
- Dataset preparation and optimization
- Real-time traditional computer vision algorithms research, design and implementation
- Real-time video manipulation
- Porting of existing proof-of-concept on embeded platforms
- Performance optimization
- Develop solutions using Pytorch OpenCV, Tensorflow, Caffe, Caffe2, MXNet, or preferred frameworks
- Framework Customization
Excellence: We reached top scores in image classification competitions.
Embedded Development
- Embedded C and C++
- ARM M and A series, PIC
- STM32F lines, Espressif
- Embedded Linux
- Linux driver development
- Firmware development
HPC - High Performance Computing
- Code modernization
- Portable high level code transformations for performance maximization
- Parallelization
- SIMD vectorization
- pthread, OpenMP, std C++ threading
- Custom and low level network primitives
- Low-Level optmizations
- Scientific and Engineering algorithm design and implementation
Excellence: We have long experience in top performing distributed high peformance numerical codes and systems.